
Events I've Completed:

Run for Rescue - 4/30/11 - 5k - 29:05 (finished 2nd in my age)
Ojai to Ocean - 6/5/11 - Half Marathon - 1:56:37 (Ran with Lisa!)
Megan Savage Memorial - 9/24/11 - 5k - 31:16 (Ran with Bill!)
Beach Derby 10k - 11/6/11 - 56:40 (Ran with Nikki!)
RnRLV - 12/4/11 - Half Marathon 2:18 (Ran with Nikki!) Got sick by race end. Sick three days.
Surf City - 2/5/12 - Half Marathon - 1:55:02 (PR) Ran with Lisa and Sarah
Battle of the Boxes-2/23/13-5:04 Mini Helen-8th place overall team finish
Crossfit Open 13.1-131
Crossfit Open 13.2-232
Crossfit Open 13.3-183
Crossfit Open 13.4-54
Crossfit Open 13.5-49
Battle of the Boxes: Unknown Edition- 3rd place finish!


Crossfit Open 2014!

This is my before photo. I weighed 15 pounds more, was exhausted all of the time and wasn't getting better at crossfit, running or life. It was time for a change.

My before photo

My before photo

Friday, September 21, 2012

Whole Life Challenge

Yes it's been too long since I've blogged anything.  I haven't been very motivated to run and feel like I can't blog if I haven't been running.  It's not like I've been lying around on the sofa, eating bon bons.  I have been going to crossfit 2-3 times a week.  I've also been hitting the treadmill all of the other days.  But I am not signed up for any races.  I felt like when I run races, I have to train and I don't have the time to train while doing crossfit.  So I decided to take a year without signing up for any races, and run just for enjoyment.  That was good in theory, but with the heat, I have found no enjoyment.  So I've been just walking on the treadmill.  It's not the end of the world, but I know it's done a number on my endurance to have taken off so much time from running.  Wednesday I did my first run on the streets in months.  I only went 3.5 miles and I felt like it was the worst run of my life.  I'm used to going out for a run, and running the whole time.  I am not super fast, but I never feel the need to walk.  Well Wednesday, I walked...often.  I felt like a failure.  But the weird this is, when I was done, my time wasn't all that awful.  It just reminds me that I need to be consistent.

This week the Whole Life Challenge that I'm doing through crossfit has challenged each of us to take 10 minutes every day to contemplate. Whether it's through meditation, journaling or whatever it's about being mindful.  So I've decided to blog this week.  It may not be about running, but it will be my thoughts about the day.  It's funny because I thought my thoughts were going to go in a completely different direction today, but once I started typing here I am.

It's been one week since the WLC started.  I didn't think I'd be able to do the diet portion of the challenge.  But I've surprised myself and have been fine with the diet.  I have only lost one point and it was a conscience decision.  I had a tri tip that I'd marinated before the challenge.  I didn't want to waste it, so I ate it and subtracted the point for the marinade.  It's definitely interesting to stop and think about how all foods are prepared.  I'm learning a lot and am glad I signed up for the challenge.

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